New Linux Release! Get connected on Inforce 6601 Micro SOM now with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support
To continue our push with Linux on Snapdragon 820 products to support essential features for your product, we have released a new Linux package for Inforce 6601 SOM based development kit. Inforce 6601 now has support for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi in this latest release which is now available on our TechWeb under release 0.5. This release is based on Linaro’s Debian based build based on Linux kernel 3.18 and has all the features previously supported in the last BSP.
To access this new release, head to the Inforce TechWeb and download the latest package named Inforce 6601 Debian Linux BSP 0.5 under the OS Version “Debian Linux 9 (aka stretch)”. This package contains pre-build binaries as well as the kernel sources/patches you need to build kernel, Apps bootloader images, and customize rootfs image.
For more information on this release, you can refer to the release notes on the TechWeb “Inforce 6601 Debian Linux Software Release Note V0.5 003197 Rev A”.
A similar release is currently being developed by Inforce engineering team for Inforce 6640 SBC so stay tuned! You can check back for updates here on the Inforce blog.
If you would like to see more features in the next Linux release for Inforce 6601 or Inforce 6640 let us know!
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